Install this bookmarklet:
javascript:(function(){ var body=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var html=document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; var game=document.getElementById("unityPlayer"); var s=html.style;s.height="100%";s.width="100%"; var t=game.style;t.height="100%";t.width="100%"; html.insertBefore(game.parentNode.removeChild(game),head); html.removeChild(head); html.removeChild(body); })();
And run it over at cityofsteam.com/startGame
It moves the game to the root <html> tag (while keeping it in memory!) and then deletes everything else (remove <head> and <body>).
It also resizes the game to fill 100% of the height and width of your browser window. Then you can go full screen with F11 (That's what most browsers use by default.)